Sunday, April 12, 2009

Let's Try This Again....

Dearest Blogosphere,

I'm back.

I know, I know...our first relationship lasted a whopping 9 days. But dear Blogosphere, I think my focus was off. The last time I tried you on for size, I thought I should blog about anything and everything - and throw in a few memes for good measure. I thought I should replicate what I saw others doing on their blog, but ultimately it felt strange and strained. Look, Blogoshpere, I think I need you, but it needs to be on my terms. I need to write - I mean really write. Sure a meme here or there or a funny story about what my daughter did this morning is ok - but you need to be a place for me to think out loud. I need to have a place to ramble and aimlessly write about my thoughts about my field, teaching, and directions in my research.

I'm stagnant, and I need to write before I can get moving in the direction I want to go. Given that I work in a teaching focused institution (which is great and all), the support for scholarship is limited. I need to blabber in a venue where someone might someday comment on something I have said. I think this might be it. At the very least, blabbering will help me hone in on where I need to focus my energy. I can't guarantee how long our relationship will last, but I'd like to try again please.

Much Love,
City Mama, Ph.D.